variation n. 1.变化,变动。 2.变量,变度,偏差。 3.【语言】语尾变化;变体,异体;【数学】变分,协变;顺列;【生物学】变异,演变,变种;【音乐】变奏曲;【天文学】变差;(月的)二均差;【物理学】磁差。 a principle without variation 不变的方针[原则]。 be capable of variation 可能变化。 be liable to variation 容易变化。 These prices are subject to variation. 上列价格可能变更。 adj. -al
Through salinity gradient , the major cations levels can be predicted with a linear mixing model . 2 . simulation results show that ph variation within the changjiang estuary has significant effect on solid - liquid partitioning of trace metals 模拟结果表明,长江口微量金属固-液分配的ph效应显著, ph的升高增大了微量金属在泥沙中的分配,并可促使微量金属元素向泥沙固相中转移。